Fundamentals of Computer Science Resources
- Scratch can be used
- online – work on and store your programs on the Scratch web page in your browser
- offline – running the offline editor on your computer and saving your files in your student drive or the computer’s hard drive.
- We use the offline version in class
Getting Started with Scratch Reference Guide Learn Scratch (Videos) Scratch for Budding Computer Scientist (Harvard) Let’s Teach Kids to Code (Ted Talk)
download at Jeroo (also requires that your computer has Java installed)
- Python Review
- Books
- Automate the Boring Stuff
- interactive How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Learning with Python)
- Python for Everybody (PDF of book, PDF of book in Spanish)
- Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python
- Slither into Python
- Programming for Non-Programmers (Python) Steven F. Lott
- Legally Free Python Books List
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Practical Python Projects
- Online
- Exercises with Solutions
- Video
- Cheat Sheets
- Python Crash Course cheet sheets are also very useful!
Python Links
Download Python for PC or Mac
Built in Functions official 3.10 doc simpler doc
methods string list dictionary tuple
Basic Python3 for Beginners (YouTube) KhanAcademy Google
- A comic zine on being a better programmer, So You Want to Be a Wizard, by Julia Evans (@b0rk)
- 24 free Ebooks to Learn a New Programming Language
- 500 free programming books you can grab from GitHub
- Blown to Bits, H. Abelson, K. Ledeen, H. Lewis, Addison-Wesley, 2008. Available free online at
- Computer Coding for Kids
Learn the basics of programming on your own
These free online self-paced tutorials are a good way to learn fundamental programming concept
- One of the better ones is the Codecademy’s Python course
- Another nice one is Khan Academy’s course using Processing
- Another one is which is similar to Khan Academy, but goes more in-depth
- Courses from Code Studio at
- Introduction to Computer Science using Java
There are also many free in-depth video Computer Science courses offered by coursera or udacity. These include video lectures as well as assignments, projects, and quizzes/tests.
Miscellaneous Links
Google Computer Science for High School (Custom Search)
RegExp ref test tutorial challenge
JavaScript run Reference AppsScript
Contests USACO Waterloo UIL2013
Miscellaneous Stuff
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