UVa Online Judge
Here you will find hundreds of problems. They are like the ones used during programming contests. You can submit your solutions in a variety of languages including JAVA, Python 3.5, C++.
get started website CP book (CP book problems)
Project Euler
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143?
- If problems like this look like a fun way to apply your programming knowledge, Project Euler is a great way to start. Once you have solved a problem, you gain access to the forum page for that question. Project Euler is free to use, and is one of that largest communities of programmers.
- Because project Euler does’t require you to submit source code, you can program in any language you choose to!
- get started website problems archives
Project Lovelace
Project Lovelace is a bunch of free scientific programming problems. Each problem teaches some bit of science, like how to simulate a guitar, splice DNA, or predict the weather, and requires you to code up and submit a solution in your favorite programming language.
USA Computing Olympiad
This is a free site for programming practice in Python and Java. Complete the code in the browser and submit.
Edabit offers an almost limitless potential for continuously working on bite sized coding challenges so you can rapidly advance your abilities.
Daily Programmer (reddit)
Features many mind-bending programming puzzles to sink your teeth into. website
Congressional App Challenge
Congressional App Challenge (CAC) is a public effort to encourage kids to learn how to code, through annual district-wide competitions hosted by Members of Congress for their district.
Students in participating districts code original applications for the chance to be selected for recognition by their Member of Congress, win prizes, and have their work put on display in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. The district-wide competitions, now in their third year, take place from July through early November. The CAC is executed by the Congressional staff of each participating district, and coordinated by the Congressional Internet Caucus and the non-governmental sponsor of the project, the Internet Education Foundation.
LASA is in congressional district 35
Codechef is a global programming community that fosters learning and friendly competition, built on top of the world’s largest competitive programming platform. CodeChef was created as a platform to help programmers make it big in the world of algorithms, computer programming and programming contests. You can submit your solutions in a variety of languages including JAVA, Python 3.5, C++.
get started website global programming competition (May 20 -24, 2017)
Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ)
SPOJ – Sphere Online Judge – is a problemset archive, online judge and contest hosting service accepting solutions in many languages. SPOJ has over 315000 registered users and over 20000 problems.
Master the Mainframe
- IBM Master the Mainframe contests are hosted around the world, bringing exciting, enterprise computing challenges to students in every corner of the globe. These contests allow students to take charge of a world-class computing platform and showcase their talents, while earning great prizes and gaining sought-after enterprise computing skills
- Every year the United States contest is September through December
- website
Nifty Assignments
The Nifty Assignments session at the annual SIGCSE meeting is all about gathering and distributing great assignment ideas and their materials. website