LASA UIL Practice Fall Contest #2 (until Jan 10th)
Get ready for LASA @ Indeed on January 11th!!!!
1) Fill out registration form (for Select your class period choose LASA{CS} UIL Practice Contest #2)
2) Pick a problem to solve from the problem set (only students in Fundamentals or AP CS A should pick a Novice problem)
- if you are using Java, your Java class name must match the problem name
- the input file name in your program must match the input file name given for the problem
- do not use/import any packages
- UIL – Things to know
3) Solve problem on your own (no internet, no AI).
4) Test your program with the provided Test other cases not covered by provided test data.
5) submit your JAVA program (make sure you’ve tested it; you loose 5 pts for every incorrect submission). The Problem Name must be exactly like shown on the first page of the problem set.
6) Check the results (results will update after Mr. Mueller has run your program – email [email protected] if results fail to show up within a day or two).
7) Go back to step 2)