UIL Computer Science
LASA{CS} competes in UIL 5A Academics Computer Science. In the 2024-25 UIL academic alignment LASA competes in District 24 of Region 3. District winners advance to the Regional contest and Regional winners (and the highest scoring 2nd place team) advance to the UIL state competition (past LASA results, current results) . Each contest consists of a 45-minute individual written test and a 2-hour team programming competition. The official UIL competitions are limited to a single 3 or 4 student team per school. UIL state participants can qualify for a TILF scholarship.
See lasacs.com/calendar for the dates and locations of the official UIL district, regional, and state competions.
Sample Written Test Sample Programming Test
more information in UIL Rules section below
UIL Practice competitions
- There are many local practice UIL competitions open to anyone that signs up (though space may be limited). These contests can have over 100 students from the Central Texas area competing. See lasacs.com/calendar
- LASA hosts a yearly UIL practice competition at Indeed lasacs.com/indeed
- Occasionally LASA runs virtual practice competitions lasacs.com/uilpracticeOccasionally LASA runs virtual practice competitions lasacs.com/uilpractice
- Occasionally LASA runs an in-person UIL practice competition. See lasacs.com/calendar
UIL Resources
- UIL Contests – Things to Know non-JAVA Questions Java Questions
- UIL Computer Science Archive (available in a folder in Room 506 and Room 505)
- Download a Computer Science Sample Written Test
- Download sample Programming materials (from spring 2010 contests)
- Access sample Programming materials from 2013 contests
- A great resource is Mike Scott’s UIL page at www.cs.utexas.edu/~
UIL Rules – handbook
- 4 students per team
- 4 students can take written test (top 3 scores count), but only 3 students can compete in the hands-on programming part of the contest. For practice competitions it’s usually only 3 students per team.
- Each team member takes a 45 minute written test which has 40 questions
- Sample Written Test
- 6 points for correct answer, -2 points for incorrect answer
- Programming questions are written using the JAVA programming language
- Some questions are about JAVA syntax and JAVA language features
- Many questions are expressed in JAVA but are about more general/broader programming concepts ( e.g. algorithm, abstraction, computation)
- Some questions do not involve JAVA (e.g. number conversion)
- 2016-17 Topic list
- The 2 hour programming session consists of 12 problems of varying degrees of difficulty.
- Sample Programming Test
- Each problem is worth 60 points
- An incorrect solution results in a deduction of 5 points. A team that gets a problem right on the second try would receive 55 points (60 minus one five-point deduction). Point deductions for incorrect solutions will only be counted in the team score IF the team ultimately gets that problem correct.
- In an official UIL contests the program solutions must be submitted in JAVA. Some of the practice competitions allow other languages to be used.
- Java Platform Standard Edition Version 8 will be used in 2016-2017
- Each team of 3 programmers will also need a computer to work on.
- A team may use ONLY ONE computer during the contest – this means one system, one monitor and one keyboard/mouse. Teams using a laptop computer may use an external display and keyboard/mouse, but these may only be used INSTEAD OF, not in addition to, the laptop’s built-in devices. A team may also bring a backup computer to use in case of equipment failure. Only compiler and necessary system software should be installed on the team’s computer. A compiler’s built-in libraries and help functions may be used during the contest, but previously written programs MAY NOT be used and must be removed from the computer prior to competition.
- No internet access during the contest.
- Each team may bring two program language reference books or textbooks. Books must be published works that are widely available. Books must also be reasonably free of handwritten notes. Several reference books are available in Room 222.
- Printers are allowed but not necessary.
- UIL Computer Science web page
Other Resources
- Competitive Programming 4: Book 1 & Book 2 are available in Room 506.
- See lasacs.com/online for various online resources & competitions